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Soul Searching

New Soul Searching

Written in English!

A Shinigami and a Witch are hunting down a Cat that escaped from the Underworld. You see, when you're searching for a soul, you never know what you might find.
Shin Agami has been assigned by Director Minos to bring back a Cat that fled from the Underworld, claiming yet another life. But soon, Shin Agami finds himself in more trouble than he expected.
That’s when Per. Sephoni, a young witch, appears. And every time a witch appears, things get interesting.

PublisherLoudMouse Crew Comics
IllustratorΝίκος Πλιάτσικας,
AuthorΘάνος Κυρατζής
ColourBlack and White
Size15x21 cm

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  • 10.00€
  • Ex Tax: 9.43€

Tags: LoudMouse Crew Comics, Νίκος Πλιάτσικας, Θάνος Κυρατζής